Start News Bets Will Need Headquarters in Brazil in 2025

Bets Will Need Headquarters in Brazil in 2025

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Get ready for big changes in the world of sports betting in Brazil. From January 2025, only national teams and events will be able to sponsor platforms who have headquarters in Brazil. This new rule was published by Ministry of Finance.

And that's not all. Companies will also need a authorization to operate. Most bets currently work from outdoor, but that will change. Want to know how this could affect you and your favorite team? Keep reading!

    • Bets will need to be based in Brazil to sponsor teams.
    • Rule comes into effect in January 2025.
    • Most bets currently operate from abroad.
    • Ordinance limits advertising by influencers and requires suspension of addicts.
    • The betting sector sees the new requirement as positive.

Changes to Sports Betting Sponsorship in Brazil

Introduction to the New Rules

You are about to discover how sports betting and the online games will undergo a significant transformation in Brazil. From January 2025, new regulations will require betting platforms to be based in the country to sponsor national sporting events.

Context and Impact of the New Rules

Sponsorship Requirements


So that you can understand better, let's get straight to the point: from 2025, only betting platforms with headquarters in Brazil may sponsor football teams and other sports at national events. This means that companies will have to register with the Ministry of Finance and fulfill a series of requirements.

Current situation

Currently, most betting platforms operate from abroad. According to a survey carried out by ge, 68% from clubs in series A, B and C of the Brazilian Championship have master sponsorship of betting sites. However, none of these platforms have yet obtained authorization to operate in Brazil.

Ordinance Details

Publication and Term

The ordinance was published by the Ministry of Finance and will come into force in January 2025. From that date on, only platforms registered and authorized by the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance will be able to promote their brands through advertising or sponsorship of sports teams.


Other Standards

In addition to the requirement for headquarters in Brazil, the ordinance establishes other rules for the betting market. For example, there are limitations on influencer advertisements and the obligation to suspend accounts of users addicted to betting.

Industry Reactions

Favorable Opinions

A National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL) sees the requirement as positive for the sector. Leonardo Baptista, CEO and co-founder of Pay4Fun, a payment fintech integrated with bookmakers such as Bet365, Betano and Pokerstars, believes that many companies were waiting for these ordinances to understand how to enter the Brazilian market.

Future Expectations

Magnho José, president of the Instituto Jogo Legal (IJL), also believes that the betting platforms will be based in Brazil. He argues that losing the Brazilian market does not make sense, since the legislation encourages the market and brings more security.

How to Prepare

Registration and Headquarters in Brazil

If you represent a betting platform, it is crucial to start planning to set up a headquarters in Brazil and register with the Ministry of Finance. This will ensure that you can continue sponsoring national sporting events and exploring the sports betting and online gaming market in the country.

Compliance with Requirements

In addition to having a headquarters in Brazil, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements established by the ordinance. This includes obtaining authorization from the Prizes and Betting Secretariat and complying with specific rules on advertising and sponsorship.



Changes in the market for sports betting It is online games in Brazil are significant and require preparation and adaptation. With the new regulations, platforms will have to establish themselves in the country and comply with a series of requirements to continue operating and sponsoring national sporting events.

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Common questions

What changes for betting in 2025?

From January 2025, all bets that want to sponsor football teams in national events must be based in Brazil and registered with the Ministry of Finance.

Why will bets need to be based in Brazil?

The new rule aims to ensure more control and transparency in the sports betting and online gaming market in Brazil. Foreign bets will no longer be able to sponsor national events without a local base.

How can bets obtain registration?

Bets must meet a series of requirements and obtain authorization from the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance. These requirements include being based in Brazil.

What are the other rules established by the ordinance?

The ordinance limits advertisements from influencers and requires the suspension of accounts of addicted players. Furthermore, only authorized bets will be able to promote their brands at national events.

What does this mean for Brazilian clubs?

Clubs that depend on betting sponsorship will have to associate with platforms that are regularized in Brazil to continue receiving financial support in national events.