Open vacancies at Grupo Muffato in Paraná: Opportunities in one of the largest supermarket chains.


THE Muffato Group is one of the main supermarket chains in Brazil, with a strong presence in the state of Paraná. With almost 50 years of experience and more than 19 thousand employees, the company is recognized as the sixth largest in the national ranking of the segment, according to Brazilian Supermarket Association (Abras). In addition, the Muffato Group operates with expertise in several areas such as wholesale retail, distribution centers, food industry, communication channels and gas stations.

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Vacancies available in Paraná

The state of Paraná has several Muffato Group units, providing several job opportunities in different cities. Check out the open positions and the average salary:

CityPositionAverage Salary
LondrinaButcherR$ 3,240/month
ArapongasButcherR$ 3,240/month
Cascavel, Iguazu Falls, CambeAssistant ButcherR$ 1,728/month
Various locations (Londrina, Arapongas, Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu, Cambé)RepositorR$ 1,834/month
Various locations (Londrina, Arapongas, Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu, Cambé)CashierR$ 1,881/month
Various locations (Londrina, Arapongas, Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu, Cambé)Cleaning AssistantR$ 1,530/month

Benefits offered

  • Family Health Care
  • Dental Care
  • Telemedicine and Telepsychology
  • Professional Coaching
  • Company Meal
  • Meal Voucher
  • Discounts at Partner Companies
  • Corporate University

Why work at Muffato?

THE Muffato Group offers a number of reasons to be the ideal choice for those seeking professional growth and a solid career. The company is one of the leaders in the retail sector and stands out for the way it invests in the development of its employees.

A company that invests heavily in its employees through initiatives such as Corporate University, which offers periodic training on different platforms to facilitate learning and development. This allows employees to always be up to date and prepared to face market challenges.

Another positive point is the diversity of segments in which the company operates. With units in retail, wholesale, industry, gas stations and distribution centers, you have the opportunity to choose where you best fit, according to your preferences and skills.

Therefore, if you are looking for a company that values your professional growth and offers several development opportunities, Muffato Group is the right place for you!

How to apply

To apply for vacancies in Paraná, access the Muffato Group career portal and apply for the vacancy that interests you.