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Award Winning User: Participate and Win Exclusive Prizes!

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Hello, dear readers! We have some incredible news to share with you!

We are launching the promotion Award Winning User, a unique opportunity for all our loyal visitors.

We know how dedicated you are to following us and reading our articles, and now it’s our turn to reciprocate that affection.

Imagine winning amazing prizes just for being here with us? That's exactly what we're offering!

Read on to find out how to enter and increase your chances of being one of our lucky winners. Let's go?

Welcome to the Award Winning User Program!

We are excited to present our new promotion, “Awarded User”, which offers you the chance to win exclusive prizes.

This is your opportunity to be rewarded for being a loyal visitor to our website.

Read this article to learn how to participate and increase your chances of winning!

What is the Rewarded User Program?

We always think about how we can improve our user experience and, not only that, improve our way of retaining our audience.

With this in mind, the team at EADMAIS has developed a program where we will reward our users randomly every month!

The Awarded User Program is an initiative created to thank and reward our most dedicated readers.

By participating, you have the chance to win amazing prizes simply by browsing our website and completing a short registration form.

It's easy, quick and a fun way to win!

How to participate?

Participate in the Program Award Winning User It's simple:

  1. Read this article until the end: We explain all the details you need to know here.
  2. Complete the Registration Form: The registration form will be randomly distributed on our website, to fill it out you must find the button hidden in one of our articles.
  3. Wait for the Draw: After registering, you will automatically be participating in our prize draw. Keep an eye on your email and social media accounts on the EADMAIS portal to find out if you were one of the winners!

Awards and Benefits

Program awards Award Winning User are specially selected for our readers.

There will be monthly prizes announced through our social networks, so it is important to follow EADMAIS on social networks, and also authorize receiving messages via Facebook messenger by clicking the button below:

Promotion Rules and Terms

To ensure the transparency and fairness of our promotion, here are the rules and terms you need to know:

  • Eligibility: The promotion is open to all visitors to our website over 18 years of age.
  • Promotion Period: Each month, we launch a draw for a specific prize or product, the launch will always be on the first day of the month, and the draw on the last day of the month. Follow our social media to stay up to date with the prizes.
  • Selection Criteria: The winners will be drawn among all registered participants using the form below. The user will have a number generated within the registration platform, and these numbers will be drawn among all participating users by ChatGPT-4o on 06/30/24 at 12pm Brasilia time.
  • Awards Delivery: Prizes will be sent to the winners via bank transfer or PayPal when prizes are cash, or to the winner's address if the prize is a physical product.

Registration Form

To participate, the user must find the button embedded within a random article on our website, when found, the user will have the opportunity to participate and receive exclusive prizes.

This registration is only for users who find the button. To do this, we suggest that the user access our content regularly, so that they can find the button to access the form.

Remembering that each month, the prizes change, so it is important to follow the EADMAIS website on social media!

Participate Now and Good Luck!

Don't miss the chance to be an Awarded User!

Share this page with your friends and family so they can have a chance to win too.

Good luck!

Final Notes

  • Privacy and Security: Access Privacy Policy.
  • Statement of responsibility: This program is the sole responsibility of the EADMAIS website and its maintainer GROUP IF.ADS, company that owns the portal EADMAIS, being the same creator of the entire program.
  • Disclaimer: O EADMAIS is a content portal that shares relevant articles in different countries around the world, bringing engaged users and advertisers interested in communicating with these users. We generate revenue from each user when an ad is displayed. This program is not sponsored by Facebook, Google, or any other company that displays its advertisements within the EADMAIS portal.

Where will the draw take place?

The draw will be carried out via GPT Chat.

How will my data be used?

We use your data to create digital experiences for you within our EADMAIS portal exclusively, and also for digital advertising purposes, connecting advertisers that are relevant based on your interest.

How many times can I participate?

Each user can register only once.

Do I have to pay anything to participate?

No, the rewarded user program is completely free, just fill out the form.

How do I find the form button?

To find the button, the user will need to access our website regularly, until they find the button and have access to fill out the participation form.

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