Start Apps The 12 Best Health and Wellness Apps to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

The 12 Best Health and Wellness Apps to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

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In an increasingly busy world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can seem like a challenge.

However, technology can be a powerful ally on this journey.

With the proliferation of smartphones and mobile devices, a number of applications health and well-being emerged to help people take care of their health physical It is mental.


In this article, we will highlight the best apps for health focused on fitness life, meditation, monitoring sleep It is food that can help you promote well-being in your everyday life.

Health apps aimed at fitness life

  1. MyFitnessPal:
    O MyFitnessPal is a food tracking app that allows you to record your diet daily and track your calorie intake. Plus, it has an extensive exercise library to record your workouts and calculate calorie burn.
  2. Nike Training Club:
    This app offers a variety of workouts designed by professional trainers from Nike. You can choose between different difficulty levels and focus on strength, endurance, mobility or cardio.
  3. Strava:
    For running and cycling lovers, the Strava is an excellent choice. It lets you track your performance in outdoor activities, compare your stats with other users, and set personal goals.

Health apps focused on meditation

  1. Headspace:
    O Headspace is a widely recognized meditation app that offers guided meditation courses to reduce stress, improve sleep and promote mindfulness. It's perfect for anyone who wants to start meditating.
  2. Calm:
    With relaxing music, bedtime stories and guided meditations, Calm helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. It also offers breathing exercises to relieve stress.
  3. Insight Timer:
    Insight Timer offers a wide variety of guided meditations, including practices from different spiritual traditions. You can find short meditations for downtime or longer sessions for a deeper experience.

Health Applications aimed at Sleep Monitoring

  1. sleep cycle:
    This app uses your phone's motion sensors and microphone to monitor your sleep patterns. It provides detailed analysis and wakes you up at the most appropriate time within your sleep cycle, so you wake up refreshed.
  2. Pillow:
    Pillow is a great choice for anyone who wants detailed information about their quality of life. sleep. It monitors movement, snoring and gives you a comprehensive summary of your sleep.
  3. Relax Melodies:
    While not strictly a sleep tracking app, Relax Melodies provides a variety of relaxing sounds, including white sounds and soothing music to help create a sleep-friendly environment.

Health apps aimed at healthy eating

  1. Yazio:
    Yazio is an application that helps you monitor your food and nutritional goals. It provides detailed information on calories, macronutrients and allows you to create healthy meal plans.
  2. MyPlate by Livestrong:
    This app offers calorie tracking and a vast food library to help you control your diet. Additionally, it provides healthy recipes and informative articles on nutrition.
  3. Nutrino:
    Nutrino creates personalized meal plans based on your food preferences and health goals. It also provides recipes and shopping lists to make healthy meal planning easier.

To adopt applications health and wellness into your daily routine can be an effective way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. healthy life.


These apps can help monitor your diet, improve your sleeping habits, exercise regularly and take care of your mental health through meditation.

Remember to choose the apps that fit best into your life and that motivate you to achieve your goals. health and well-being.

With technology by your side, you could be on your way to a healthier life. healthy and balanced.