Start Technology Plants in the palm of your hand: 5 apps to find out the name of your greens

Plants in the palm of your hand: 5 apps to find out the name of your greens

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Have you ever caught yourself admiring that beautiful plant at a friend’s house or walking through the park and thinking, “Wow, what’s its name?” Yeah, me too!

And look, it looks like we're not alone in this. With the boom in social media, everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon. world of plants, transforming any vacant corner into a small green sanctuary.

But between us, it's not always easy to remember the names of these beauties, is it?


But look at the good news: we are in age of technology, and she arrived in the world of gardening! Who would have thought that our smartphones, on top of everything else, would become our best friends when it comes to caring for plants?

Yes, that's exactly what you read! There are a lot of apps out there that are true plant “sherlocks”, capable of identifying that mysterious flower with just a photo.

So, how about we embark on this green adventure together?

I'll show you the best apps for finding out the names of plants and, as a bonus, I'll give you some naughty tips on how to care for them.

Whether you are a keen gardener or someone who barely knows the difference between a succulent and a cactus, this guide is tailor-made for you. Let's go there?


Why Knowing Your Plant's Name is Crucial

Have you ever stopped to think that each plant has its own “personality”?
Yes, that's it!

Each green girl has her own specific quirks, tastes and needs. Knowing her name is the first step to unlocking this world and ensuring you're offering her everything she needs to flourish.

It's like meeting a new friend: knowing their name helps you create a stronger bond and better understand who they are.

Top 5 apps to know plant names

Now, let's get down to business: the apps! Here I have put together a list of my favorites, the ones that never let me down when I come across an unknown plant.

1. PlantNet

It's like the Shazam of plants. You take a photo, and it gives you the name and some very useful information. Very practical!

2. PictureThis

This one is almost a private consultant. In addition to identifying the plant, it gives care tips. It's a show for those just starting out.

3. iNaturalist

Part of the fun of this app is that it connects you to a community of nature lovers. You learn, teach and still be part of something bigger.


4. Seek by iNaturalist

I consider this the little brother of iNaturalist. Super user-friendly, ideal for outdoor adventures with the family.

5. Google Lens

Yes, even Google joined the dance! It's not an app exclusively for plants, but you'll be surprised by its accuracy.

Try these apps the next time a plant catches your eye.
They will not only help satisfy your curiosity, but also help you take better care of your greens.

Basic Plant Care – What Every Gardener Needs to Know

Now that you have an idea of how to discover the names of your plants with the help of technology, how about we talk a little about how to care for them?

After all, each plant is a world of its own and knowing its basic needs is essential to see your plant not only survive, but truly thrive.

Light, Water and Soil: The Triad of Life

• Light: Not all plants are fans of full sun, you know? Some prefer shade or indirect light.

Look, a golden tip is to observe the leaves: they give you signs of what they need. Burnt leaves? Maybe it's too much sun. Stretching too much? They are probably seeking more light.

• Water: Here the tip is: less is more! Most plants don’t like having their “feet” wet. Before watering, check the soil.

If it's still damp, wait a little longer. And remember: watering frequency changes with the seasons.

Ground: The type of land makes all the difference. Some plants love sandier soil, others prefer something richer in organic matter.

When replanting or starting a new pot, it's worth researching what your plant prefers.

Nutrition and Prevention: Fertilizers and Pest Control

• Fertilizers: It's not just water and sun that a plant lives on. Every now and then, they need a boost of nutrients.

But look, each plant has its preferences, so take a look at the specific recommendations before fertilizing.


Fighting Pests: Ah, the pests! No gardener escapes.

But before resorting to harsh chemicals, how about trying some more natural solutions? Mild soapy water or neem oil are great to start with.

Love and Patience: The Secret to Happy Plants

And last but definitely not least: give love and be patient. Plants are living beings, and as such, they need time and attention to grow. Celebrating each new leaf and flower is part of the joy of being a gardener.

Caring for plants can be an incredible and super rewarding journey.

And now that you're armed with knowledge on how to identify your plants and care for them, how about getting your hands dirty (literally)?

Remember, each plant has its own personality and learning to “listen” to what they need is part of the fun. Let's move forward on this green adventure together!

Beyond the Basics – Advanced Plant Care Technologies and Tools

Now that you're practically an expert at identifying your plants and know how to care for them, how about we take a peek into the future?

Technology continues to advance, and in the world of gardening, the news will leave anyone's jaw dropped.

Technological Innovations in Gardening

• Humidity Sensors: You know that cruel question about whether it’s time to water your plants? Humidity sensors come to put an end to this dilemma. They warn you when the land is dry and it's time to give it that little bit of saving water.

Smart Irrigation Systems: Imagine programming the watering of your plants directly from your smartphone? With intelligent irrigation systems this is now a reality. They allow you to adjust the frequency and amount of water according to each plant's needs, even when you are not at home.

LED Grow Lights: Perfect for those who don't have much space with natural light, these lamps simulate sunlight, helping your plants
to grow healthy even in indoor environments. It's a great help for those who live in apartments or places with little natural light.

• Applications and Gadgets for Monitoring: In addition to applications for identifying plants, there are others that help monitor the growth, health and even the nutrient needs of your green vegetables.

Some gadgets even let you measure exposure to direct or filtered sunlight throughout the day.

Online Communities and Resources for Amateur Gardeners

But look, it's not just gadgets and technology that a modern gardener lives on.

The online community of plant lovers is vast and incredibly welcoming. Whether in specialized forums, Facebook groups, or on Instagram, there is always someone ready to share experiences, tips and even donations of seedlings!

• Forums and Blogs: Spaces like GardenWeb and Reddit have entire sections dedicated to gardening, where you can ask questions, share successes (and failures) and learn a lot from other people's experiences.

• Facebook and Instagram groups: Here, the exchange of information is constant. Many groups and profiles are dedicated to specific types of plants, such as succulents, orchids, or edible plants. It's a great place to get inspired and make friends with the same interests.

Social Gardening Apps: Apps like GrowIt! they let you share photos of your plants, get tags and advice from other users, and even find out which plants are popular in your area.


With the right apps to identify your plants, basic knowledge about plant care, and a dash of advanced technology, you're more than equipped to make your plants thrive.

Remember, each plant has its own history and peculiarities, and the journey to understand them is full of discoveries and, of course, some surprises along the way. But with patience, love and a little help from our technology friend, there is no challenge that cannot be overcome.

So, how about putting this knowledge into practice? Download some of those apps we mentioned, try out new tools, and maybe even join a gardening community. The world of plants is vast and there is always something new to learn and explore.