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Business Etiquette: 10 Rules and Constructive Communication

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One of the keys to success within a company is the ability to relate professionally and respectfully with colleagues, superiors and customers. Proper etiquette and behavior play a key role in creating a work environment healthy It is productive.


In this article, we'll explore 10 basic business etiquette rules that can help promote harmonious coexistence within the company. 

In addition, we will present 10 examples of non-aggressive communication, explaining the psychology behind each argument, aiming to build more positive and constructive relationships in the work environment.

Business Etiquette Rules:


Arriving on time for meetings and appointments demonstrates respect for others' time and conveys an image of professionalism.

Appropriate attire:

Following the company's dress code or adapting to the work environment is important to convey a professional and respectful image.

Greet and treat everyone with courtesy:

Greeting colleagues and superiors with a smile and a “good morning” creates a welcoming atmosphere and shows respect for others.

Respect privacy:

Avoiding gossip and respecting the privacy of colleagues, avoiding indiscreet or invasive questions, is essential to maintain a climate of trust in the work environment.

Manage conflicts constructively:

In conflict situations, it is important to approach issues respectfully, listening carefully to the views of others and seeking solutions that benefit all.

Take care of written communication:

Using proper language, proofreading emails before sending them, avoiding grammatical errors, and maintaining a professional tone are all important aspects of written communication within the company.


Be considerate when using electronic devices:

During meetings and interactions with colleagues, it is essential to give our undivided attention, avoiding excessive use of electronic devices and showing respect for the person with whom we are interacting.

Maintain personal hygiene:

Proper personal hygiene, including grooming and the use of hygiene products, is critical to conveying a professional image and maintaining a healthy work environment.

Respect shared spaces:

Maintaining cleanliness and organization in common areas, such as the pantry and bathrooms, is a way of demonstrating respect for colleagues and promoting a pleasant work environment.

Express gratitude and recognition:

Recognizing and appreciating the work and contributions of colleagues strengthens interpersonal bonds and creates a positive work environment.

Examples of Non-Aggressive Communication:

    • “I understand your perspective and would like to share mine too”: This approach seeks to establish a respectful dialogue, acknowledging the other's point of view before presenting your own.

    • “I feel there has been a misunderstanding and would like to clarify”: This phrase opens the space for a constructive conversation, avoiding accusations and directing the focus to resolving the misunderstanding.

    • “Can we find a compromise that works for all of us?”: By proposing a compromise, you are showing openness to negotiation and seeking a solution that meets both parties' needs.


    • “Can I offer a suggestion that might help us solve this problem?”: This approach encourages constructive input by inviting the other person to consider an alternative without imposing your opinion.

    • “I understand that you're busy, but when would be a good time to discuss this matter?”: This phrase respects the other's agenda, showing consideration for commitments and providing a more appropriate opportunity for dialogue.

    • “I would like to ask your opinion on this matter. I believe that your experience can be valuable”: By valuing someone's opinion and expertise, you promote a collaborative environment and encourage everyone's active participation.

    • “I am sorry if my action or comment was interpreted in a negative light. That wasn't my intention”: This sentence demonstrates empathy and responsibility for the impacts of your words or actions, opening up space for an enlightening conversation.

    • “Could we discuss the situation to better understand each other's expectations?”: This approach seeks open communication, avoiding assumptions and working together to establish clear expectations.

    • “I believe that we all have unique abilities and can contribute to the success of the team”: By recognizing individual abilities, you promote an environment of mutual support and respect, encouraging teamwork.

    • “I would like to offer my support so that we can overcome this challenge together”: This phrase demonstrates solidarity and a willingness to collaborate, encouraging a team approach to problem solving.


    Proper etiquette and behavior within a company is essential to creating a productive and healthy work environment. 

    By following basic etiquette rules and using non-aggressive communication, we build more positive and constructive relationships.

    The psychology behind these approaches is rooted in empathy, respect and the search for collaborative solutions. By adopting these practices, we promote a harmonious work environment, drive professional growth and contribute to the collective success of the company.