Start Technology Complete guide on how to download the Shazam app.

Complete guide on how to download the Shazam app.

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Step 1: Download the shazam

  • Open your device's app store (App Store on iPhone, Google Play on Android)
  • Search for “Shazam” in the search bar and select the correct result
  • Click “Install” to download the application

Step 2: Create an account (optional)

  • When opening the app for the first time, you can choose to create an account or use Shazam as a guest
  • If you choose to create an account, follow the instructions to fill in your name, email address and password.

Step 3: Use Shazam to identify songs

  • Open the Shazam app
  • Tap the “Shazam” button in the middle of the screen
  • Position the device close to the sound source (such as a loudspeaker or music playing in a room)
  • Shazam will listen to the song and try to identify it.
  • If the song is found, the title, artist and other information will be displayed on the screen.

Step 4: View your previous tags

  • In the Shazam app, tap the “Library” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen
  • Here, you can see all the songs you've previously Shazamed

Step 5: Use additional features of shazam

  • Shazam has some additional features that you might find useful, such as song lyrics and related videos
  • When identifying a song, tap the “Lyrics” button to see the lyrics of the song
  • Tap the “Videos” button to view videos related to the identified song.