Start Technology 0 to child: What is the degree of affinity between you and your Pet?

0 to child: What is the degree of affinity between you and your Pet?

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The relationship between humans and pets is a special and meaningful bond. These furry companions bring joy, companionship and unconditional love into our lives.

But have you ever wondered what the affinity level is between you and your pet? The affinity test can help you discover the degree of emotional connection and compatibility you have with your faithful companion.

In this article, we'll explore the importance of the relationship between humans and pets, present interesting scientific data on the topic, and provide a test that will help you gauge your affinity with your beloved pet.

The science behind the relationship between humans and pets


The connection between humans and pets has been the subject of scientific study over the years. Research shows that having pets in our lives can have positive effects on our physical and mental health.

For example, studies indicate that petting a pet can lower blood pressure and stress levels, as well as stimulate the release of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin. Interacting with pets can also improve mood, reduce loneliness and increase physical activity.

Affinity: a special emotional bond

The affinity between a human being and their pet is characterized by a strong emotional bond and a deep connection.

That bond is built over time, as we share happy moments, face challenges together, and show mutual care and love.

Affinity can be observed through behaviors such as displays of affection, effective communication, emotional reciprocity, and a sense of trust and mutual security.

Benefits of human-pet affinity

The existence of a significant affinity between humans and pets brings a number of benefits to both parties.


For humans, the presence of a pet can help reduce stress, improve mental health, promote physical activity, and provide a sense of purpose and responsibility.

In addition, children who grow up with pets tend to develop social skills, empathy and a sense of responsibility at an early age.

In turn, pets also benefit from this connection. They receive love, care and constant attention, in addition to having their basic needs met.

Well cared for pets generally have better health. physical and emotional, and interaction with their human tutors helps satisfy their need for companionship and stimulation.

Affinity Test between You and Your Pet

To discover the degree of affinity between you and your pet, a simple and intuitive test was developed. The test consists of 20 questions related to interaction, care, communication and level of commitment to your pet.

Each question has 4 answer options, and you must select the option that best describes your situation. At the end of the test, your total score will help you identify the degree of affinity you have with your pet.

The degrees of affinity: find out where you fit in

Based on your affinity test score, you will be divided into one of four affinity grades: low, medium, high, and child.

The “child” degree of affinity represents a connection emotional deep, where you and your pet share a strong, unbreakable bond. It is a relationship based on mutual love, trust and loyalty.


The relationship between humans and pets is an enriching and rewarding experience. The affinity we develop with these furry companions can have a positive impact on our health and emotional well-being.

With the affinity test, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your relationship with your pet and discover the degree of emotional connection you share.

Regardless of the outcome, remember that dedication, love, and mutual care are key to nurturing a healthy, lasting bond with your beloved pet.

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Total Score:

0-10 points: Low Affinity Grade

11-20 points: Medium Affinity Rank

21-35 points: High Affinity Rank

36-40 points: Child Affinity Degree

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