Start News Lula Receives Artificial Intelligence Plan

Lula Receives Artificial Intelligence Plan

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If you are curious about the future of Artificial intelligence in Brazil, stay tuned for the latest news. Today, during an event in Brasília, President Lula received a preview of the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan (PBIA). This remarkable moment took place at the opening of the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation. The plan promises to change the country's technological landscape. Stay with us to find out more details about how Brazil intends to lead the world in this area.

    • Lula receives preview of the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan (PBIA)
    • Event takes place at the 5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Conference
    • Plan approved by the National Science and Technology Council
    • Expected investment is R$ 23.03 billion by 2028
    • Lula criticizes “big techs” and defends Brazil’s own AI

Guide for Implementing the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan

Introduction to the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan

You're about to dive into a moment historic to Brazil. This Tuesday, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received a preview of the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Plan (PBIA) during the opening of the 5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Conference in Brasília. This event marks the beginning of a new era for science and technology in the country.

Delivery Context


The ceremony took place at the Brasil 21 space and was attended by several authorities. The main objective of the event is to define government actions in the science and technology sector, in addition to building a new National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy to be implemented by 2030.

Objectives of the Plan

The PBIA, commissioned by Lula in March and approved by the National Science and Technology Council (CCT), aims to promote national technological development and global leadership of Brazil in the area of Artificial Intelligence. The action plan envisages an investment of R$ 23.03 billion in various actions in the sector between 2024 and 2028.


Financing and Investments

PBIA funding will come from several sources, including the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development and investments from the private sector. This plan is a response to the growing demand for advanced technologies and the need for Brazil to position itself as a global leader in the area.

Importance of the Plan

Lula highlighted the importance of the moment, stating that the delivery of the document on artificial intelligence designed by Brazilian scientists is a milestone for the country. He emphasized that Brazil, with its vast population and rich diversity, has the intellectual capacity to develop its own AI technologies.

Next steps

Next week, Lula will present the plan at a ministerial meeting to discuss how to implement the proposed actions. The president is determined to turn ideas into reality, taking the opportunity to criticize large technology companies, known as “big techs”.

Criticism of Big Techs

Lula questioned Brazil's dependence on technologies developed by foreign companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Alphabet and Amazon. He argued that Brazil, with its respected intellectual base and extraordinary diversity, should create its own technological solutions.


Participation of Authorities

Several authorities participated in the event, including minister Luciana Santos (Science, Technology and Innovation), minister Márcio Macêdo (General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic), minister Nísia Trindade (Health), minister Camilo Santana (Education) and the minister Marcos Antônio Amaro dos Santos (Institutional Security Office).

Declaration History

At the beginning of the month, Lula stated that Brazilian scientists needed to “create shame” and develop a national AI tool. He mentioned that he met with the National Science and Technology Council to request the presentation of the PBIA.

Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

Lula had already declared at the beginning of the year that Brazil did not need AI, but rather adequate regulation. In Congress, the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, presented a project to regulate artificial intelligence in the country, currently under analysis by a temporary committee.

Benefits of AI for Various Sectors

The implementation of PBIA can bring numerous benefits to various sectors, such as health, education and security. A artificial intelligence It can revolutionize medicine, for example, through more accurate and efficient diagnoses.

Practical Applications of AI

You can explore how AI can be used to create images and videos from text, detect lies, and even generate essays and slides. These technologies have the potential to transform the way we work and live, offering innovative and efficient solutions.