Start Health Myths and truths about: Creatine. With Dr. Bruno Bonaldi

Myths and truths about: Creatine. With Dr. Bruno Bonaldi

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Creatine is a popular dietary supplement used by athletes and people involved in intense physical training. There are some myths and truths associated with the use of creatine. I will provide information about common myths and clarify what is true about creatine.

Myth 1: Creatine is an anabolic steroid.

True: Creatine is not an anabolic steroid.

It is a natural compound found in muscle tissues and can also be obtained from dietary sources such as meat and fish.


Creatine is utilized by the body to provide quick energy to the muscles during high-intensity exercise.

Myth 2: Creatine causes kidney damage.

True: Creatine does not cause kidney damage in healthy people when used in adequate doses and under proper supervision.

Several scientific studies have investigated the effects of creatine on the kidneys and found no evidence of kidney damage in healthy individuals.


Myth 3: Creatine causes dehydration.

True: Creatine may cause a slight increase in intramuscular water retention, but it does not lead to dehydration.

It is important to stay hydrated when using creatine, drinking enough water to compensate for possible water retention.

Myth 4: Creatine is only effective for building muscle.

True: While creatine is widely known for its benefits in improving athletic performance and increasing muscle mass, there is also evidence that it can have positive effects on other aspects of health, such as improving brain function in certain population groups.

Myth 5: Creatine is dangerous and has significant side effects.

True: Creatine is generally considered safe when used in adequate doses and by healthy people.


Mild side effects, such as temporary weight gain, muscle cramps and gastrointestinal disturbances, can occur in some people, but are rare and usually go away when the dosage is reduced.

It is important to note that, as with any supplement, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting to take creatine, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.

Also, it is essential to follow proper dosage instructions and guidelines when using creatine.

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Bruno Bonaldi

Dr. Bruno Bonaldi

Graduated in São José do Rio Preto, Dr Bruno Bonaldi specialized in nutrology by the BWS faculty in São Paulo.

If you are interested in improving your physical performance and taking better care of your health, visit the website of Dr. Bruno Bonaldi.