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New Transparency Rules for Online Ads

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You must pay attention to new transparency rules that the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacom) implemented for digital platforms.

From now on, each platform will have to create a API accessible, where anyone can search ad information and other content without needing to register. The platforms will have four months to adjust ads and one year for the data transmitted.

This article explains all the details of these important changes that place Brazil on a new level of digital transparency.

    • New transparency rules for digital platforms.
    • Platforms must create a digital repository (API) to access data.
    • API must be available on the internet without the need for registration.
    • Data about ads and interactions must be accessible in near real-time.
    • Platforms need to inform who paid for the ads and data on the target audience.

New Transparency Guidelines for Digital Platforms

Introduction to the New Rules


You, who use digital platforms, must be aware of the new transparency guidelines established by the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacom). Recently published, these guidelines aim to ensure greater clarity about the data and ads you encounter online. Platforms have four months to adapt to the new rules for ads and one year for general data.

Implementing APIs for Transparency

Each digital platform must maintain a API (Application Programming Interface). This digital repository will allow you to search for information about the content served, including advertisements. The documentation required to access this API must be available online, without the need for registration or login. This ensures that anyone can conduct research freely and transparently.

Data Access and Recovery

Platforms must ensure that you can retrieve data from any advertisement made, as well as the texts displayed and links to media. Furthermore, newly published data must be accessible in near real-time, i.e. within one hour of publication.

Target Audience Data

The data repository must include information about the age, gender, and geographic location of the audience who viewed ads in the last year. This allows you to get a clear sense of who is being targeted by these ads.


Ad Promoter Transparency

Platforms must also be transparent about who promotes ads. This includes information about who paid for the boost and the days the ads ran. This measure is essential so you know who is behind the ads you see.

Content Produced by Artificial Intelligence

It is important that you know when content was produced by Artificial intelligence. Platforms must clearly flag this content in the data repository. This is crucial so that you can distinguish between human- and machine-generated content.

Interactions with Ads

If an ad allows interactions, the repository interface must allow retrieval of data about those interactions. This includes likes, comments, shares and clicks. This way, you can better understand how other users are interacting with the content.

Ad Deletion

Even if an ad is deleted, data about it must be retained in the repository. This includes the reason for deletion and the date of removal. This measure ensures that you have access to a complete history of the ads served.

Comparison with the European Union

Marie Santini, director of Netlab at UFRJ, highlights that these new rules place Brazil on a similar level to that of European Union. According to her, it is essential that platforms treat Brazilian consumers with the same level of transparency as European consumers. This is essential to guarantee a fair and transparent consumer relationship.


Application of the Rules in Brazil

Although there is still no specific regulation for platforms in Brazil, the Consumer Protection Code establishes the rules for consumer relations. And, as a user, you have a consumer relationship with these platforms. Therefore, it is crucial that they comply with these new transparency guidelines.


These new guidelines are an important step in ensuring you have access to clear and transparent information about the data and ads you encounter on digital platforms. By implementing these rules, you will be able to carry out research freely, better understand the target audience of the ads, know who is behind them and distinguish content produced by Artificial Intelligence.

To learn more about how these changes may impact your use of digital platforms, you can check out this article about apps for kids or this one about the new Instagram algorithm. These readings can help you better understand how transparency and security are being improved in the digital environment.

Frequently Asked

What are the new transparency rules for online ads?

Digital platforms must create a freely accessible API to consult information about advertisements and published content, without the need for registration or login.

How long will it take for platforms to adapt?

Platforms have four months to adjust their ads and one year to adapt other general data to the new transparency criteria.

How should platforms inform the target audience of ads?

Platforms must include data on the age, gender and geographic location of people who viewed ads in the last year.

What happens to deleted ads?

Even if an ad is removed, its information must be maintained in the repository, indicating the reason and date of deletion.

Should transparency include who paid for the ad?

Yes, platforms must inform who paid for the ad and the days on which it was broadcast.