Start News New Service Evaluates AI in Companies

New Service Evaluates AI in Companies

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If you are looking for ways to integrate Artificial intelligence (IA) to the development of digital products, consultancy Keeggo has the ideal solution.

They launched a new platform called Neo, which helps you assess your company's level of digital maturity and identify the best use of technology.

This service is especially useful for banks and fintechs, sectors that have significantly increased their investments in technology.


Want to know more about how Neo can transform your business and maximize results? Keep reading to discover all the details of this innovation.

Integrating AI into Digital Products: A Practical Guide

Introduction to the Neo Platform

Did you know that the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in digital products can transform the way your company operates? Keeggo consultancy recently launched an innovative service called Neo, which works as a framework for evaluating and implementing AI in businesses across different sectors. This article will guide you through each step of this process, from initial assessment to final execution, highlighting how Neo can be the key to your company's digital success.

Initial Assessment: Discovery

The first step to successfully implementing AI is the development phase. discovery. Here, you need to analyze the entire basis of the project. This involves creating a specialized team (squad) that will study the processes and tools already existing in your company.

During this phase, it is crucial to identify which internal solutions can be leveraged and which new technologies need to be incorporated.

AI Adaptation and Integration

Once the discovery phase is complete, it's time to adapt and integrate AI into your company's operations. The Neo framework allows you to integrate any type of AI, whether into an initial or existing process.

This means that regardless of the stage of development of your digital product, Neo can help maximize the use of technology.


Tools and Solutions

For each stage of product development, there is a specific set of tools that can bring significant improvements.

For example, in the code development phase, the use of generative AI can create different test scenarios, speeding up the process and pointing out necessary corrections.

This not only improves the quality of the code, but also increases the security of the final product.

Focus on the Financial Sector

The financial sector is one of Keeggo's main targets. With clients such as Santander and Cielo, the consultancy is keeping an eye on the growing investment in technology by Brazilian banks.

According to Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), investment in technology in the banking sector has doubled in the last eight years, exceeding R$ 47 billion in 2023.

In this context, Neo can be a valuable tool for large banks and fintechs that want to stand out in the market.

Framework Flexibility

One of Neo's great advantages is its flexibility. Companies can choose to use only parts of the framework, instead of hiring the full service.


This allows for greater customization, focusing on areas that really need improvement.

For example, if your AI adoption process is doing well in quality and security, but has design issues, Neo can direct efforts to fix those specific points.

Use Cases and Practical Examples

Let's look at a practical example: imagine that your company is developing a new application.

During the development phase, Neo can be integrated to perform automated testing and code fixes.

This not only speeds up the process but also ensures that the final product is high quality and safe for users.

Frequently Asked

What is Keeggo's Neo service?

Neo is a Keeggo consultancy platform that helps implement AI in companies, assessing the maturity level and recommending the best use of the technology.

How does Neo assess a company's digital maturity?

Neo uses a process called discovery to analyze the entire project baseline, adjusting processes and tools necessary to improve AI adoption.

Who can use the Neo platform?

Any company can use Neo, whether it's a large bank or a fintech startup. It adapts to both initial processes and ongoing projects.

What are the benefits of using Neo in the development of digital products?

Neo accelerates the testing phase, improves code security and brings valuable insights to various stages of development.

Is it necessary to hire the entire Neo framework?

No, companies can choose specific parts of the framework according to their needs, focusing on areas such as quality, security or design.