Start News PowerOfData Sponsors Research in Astrophysics at ITA

PowerOfData Sponsors Research in Astrophysics at ITA

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You're about to discover some big news. The company PowerOfData entered into a partnership with the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) to sponsor research in astrophysics.

With one big data platform It is data analysis Created in Brazil, this collaboration promises to revolutionize the way scientists study the universe.

Get ready to see how technology can transform science!

Revolutionary Partnership between PowerOfData and ITA

Transformation in Astrophysical Research


You are about to discover how PowerOfData is revolutionizing astrophysical research in Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA). The technology and artificial intelligence company entered into a strategic partnership to support ITA's postgraduate studies in Physics, focused on studying the structure of the universe.

The Importance of Data Processing

For you to understand the magnitude of this collaboration, it is essential to know that astrophysics research requires an immense volume of data from international observatories. This data needs to be processed quickly so that the results influence the understanding of the universe. PowerOfData has stepped in to provide technological innovations that reduce the time of computer simulations and increase precision in analyses.

Impact on Academic Research

Thanks to PowerOfData technology, activity processing time has been drastically reduced. Previously, a task that took 48 hours is now completed in just 20 minutes. Likewise, data processing that used to take a week is now done in just 10 hours. This is a watershed moment for research, allowing advances never before achieved.


Challenges Overcome

Professor Dr. César Lenzi, coordinator of the Nuclear Physics area at ITA, faced several challenges, including the need for a robust infrastructure to handle large volumes of data and carry out complex simulations. The scalability of the project was also crucial, as the data used is constantly growing and variable.

Automation and Efficiency

Automation plays a key role in allowing researchers to focus on practical applications of their research rather than repetitive tasks. PowerOfData provided high-capacity cloud infrastructure, advanced services and proprietary software on the platform PoD Platform.

National Technology in Action

The national technology developed by PowerOfData increased the precision of astrophysics research at ITA, as explained by Professor Lenzi. The collaboration also highlights the company's commitment to the practical application of its technology solutions to meet the data and artificial intelligence demands of the industry at large.

Impact on Industry and Academia

Dalmer Sella, CEO of PowerOfData, emphasizes that the collaboration with ITA not only demonstrates academic commitment, but also shows how national technology can be applied in an innovative way in different sectors. The synergy created by this partnership benefits both the academic and industrial fields.

Academic Production

The partnership has already resulted in the writing of two doctoral theses and a master's dissertation using the PoD Platform, in addition to the publication of four academic articles in international journals.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the partnership between PowerOfData and ITA?

PowerOfData entered into a partnership with the Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica (ITA) to sponsor astrophysics research at the institution's postgraduate course in Physics.

What is PowerOfData’s contribution to ITA research?

PowerOfData provided an advanced Big Data and Analytics platform, which helped reduce data processing time from 48 hours to just 20 minutes per activity.

How does PowerOfData's technology help researchers?

PowerOfData's national technology, such as the PoD Platform, increases the accuracy of research and allows the analysis of large volumes of data in less time.

What is the impact of PowerOfData and ITA collaboration?

The collaboration has already resulted in two doctoral theses, a master's dissertation, and four academic articles published in international journals.

What are the advantages of this partnership for the industry?

In addition to the academic impact, PowerOfData aims to apply its technological solutions to meet the data and Artificial Intelligence demands of the industry in general, promoting a synergy between the academic and industrial fields.