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Start Advertising Policy

Advertising Policy

1. Introduction

EADMais Online uses advertising revenue to fund its operations and provide high-quality educational content. This advertising policy describes the principles and guidelines we follow to ensure the transparency, relevance and integrity of advertisements displayed on our website.

2. Selection of Advertisers


2.1 Selection Criteria:

  • We work with advertisers who share our values and educational goals.
  • Advertisers are selected based on the relevance and suitability of their products or services to our audience.

2.2 Relevance and Appropriateness:

  • Ads must be relevant and appropriate for our target audience.
  • We do not allow advertisements that promote misleading, fraudulent or harmful products or services.

3. Transparency and Integrity

3.1 Ad Identification:

  • All advertisements and sponsored content will be clearly identified as such.
  • We maintain a clear distinction between editorial content and advertising to ensure transparency with our users.

3.2 Editorial Independence:

  • The EADMais Online editorial team maintains complete independence in relation to our advertisers.
  • Advertising does not influence the educational content we publish.

4. Google Advertising Policies

EADMais Online follows Google's advertising policies to ensure a safe and positive experience for our users. These policies include, but are not limited to:

4.1 Prohibited Content:

  • Illegal content, dangerous products or fraudulent features.
  • Content that promotes hatred, violence, discrimination or intolerance.

4.2 Restricted Content:

  • Products and services that may only be appropriate for certain audiences or in certain contexts, such as alcohol, gambling and medication.
  • Ads for adult or dating content are restricted and subject to strict policies.

4.3 Prohibited Practices:

  • Deceptive behavior, such as fraudulently collecting information or ads that imitate system notifications.
  • Practices that violate user experience policies, such as intrusive or auto-redirecting ads.

4.4 Target Policies:

  • Ad landing pages must be functional, provide a positive user experience, and match what is advertised.
  • Destinations that contain malware, excessive pop-ups, or phishing attempts are strictly prohibited.

5. Google Ad Manager, Ad Exchange and Open Bidding Advertising Policies

5.1 Google Ad Manager:

  • It follows the same general guidelines for prohibited, restricted content and prohibited practices as Google Ads.
  • Additionally, it requires compliance with Google's privacy and data usage policies.

5.2 Google Ad Exchange:

  • Ads must meet a high quality standard and undergo compliance checks.
  • It requires full transparency from advertisers about the content and intent of ads.
  • Ads must be appropriate for all audiences unless specifically targeted to an appropriately consenting adult audience.

5.3 Open Bidding:

  • Participants must follow the content policies and practices established by Google, including its user experience and privacy policies.
  • Ads are reviewed to ensure they do not violate safety and quality standards.
  • Partnerships with other ad networks within Open Bidding must comply with established content policies and practices.

6. Feedback and Complaints

We encourage our users to provide feedback on the advertisements displayed on EADMais Online. If you find an ad that you think is inappropriate or violates our policies, please contact us at [email protected].

7. Advertising Policy Update

This Advertising Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and adequacy. Any changes will be communicated to our users via the website.

8. Contact

For questions or more information about our Advertising Policy, please contact us via email [email protected].

This enhanced version of the advertising policy includes Google Ad Manager, Ad Exchange, and Open Bidding guidelines. If you need any further modifications, I am available to help.