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Editorial Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to EADMais Online! Our goal is to provide high-quality educational content to our users. This Editorial Policy describes the principles that guide the creation, review and publication of content on our website.

2. Objective


Ensure that all content published on EADMais Online is accurate, impartial, relevant and of high quality, meeting the educational needs of our users.

3. Editorial Principles

3.1 Accuracy and Reliability: All content must be accurate, up-to-date, and based on reliable sources. Information must be verified before publication.

3.2 Impartiality and Objectivity: Content must be presented in an objective and impartial manner, avoiding bias or prejudice.

3.3 Relevance and Utility: The content must be relevant to EADMais Online's target audience, offering information and knowledge that is useful and applicable.

3.4 Clarity and Accessibility: Content must be clear, well-structured and accessible, using language appropriate to the target audience and ensuring the inclusion of all users.

4. Editorial Processes

4.1 Content Creation:

  • Authors and content creators must have knowledge and experience in the area they write about.
  • Content must be original and free from plagiarism.

4.2 Review and Approval:

  • All content will be reviewed by a qualified editor to ensure accuracy, clarity, and compliance with this Editorial Policy.
  • Content that does not meet our quality standards will be returned to the author for review.

4.3 Publication:

  • After approval, the content will be published on the website according to our editorial schedule.
  • Content will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains up to date and relevant.

5. Artificial Intelligence Content

5.1 Quality and Precision:

  • Content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) tools must be reviewed by a human expert to ensure its accuracy and quality.
  • Factual information and data presented in AI-generated content must be verified and validated by reliable sources.

5.2 Transparency:

  • Content that has been generated or significantly edited by AI must be clearly identified as such.
  • Transparency about the use of AI in content creation is critical to maintaining user trust.

5.3 Impartiality and Bias:

  • We must ensure that AI content does not reflect bias or bias, reviewing and adjusting algorithms and processes as necessary.
  • AI tools must be used ethically and responsibly, avoiding the spread of misleading or harmful information.

5.4 Update and Relevance:

  • AI content should be updated regularly to reflect the latest information and advances in the field.
  • The relevance of AI-generated content must be continually assessed to meet users’ needs.

6. Feedback and Corrections

6.1 User Feedback:

  • We encourage our users to provide feedback on published content. Suggestions and criticisms can be sent through our contact channels.

6.2 Fixes:

  • When errors or inaccuracies are identified, the content will be corrected promptly. The fixes will be highlighted to inform users of the changes made.

7. Conflicts of Interest

Authors and editors must declare any conflict of interest that may influence the creation or review of content. Conflicts of interest will be managed to ensure the impartiality of published content.

8. Copyright and Intellectual Property

We respect the copyright and intellectual property of others. All content must comply with applicable copyright laws. The use of third party materials will only be permitted with due authorization.

9. Disclosure of Partnerships and Sponsorships

Any sponsored or partnered content will be clearly identified to maintain transparency with our users.

10. Update of Editorial Policy

This Editorial Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and suitability. Any changes will be communicated to our users via the website.

11. Contact

For questions or more information about our Editorial Policy, please contact us via email contato@eadmais.online.