Start Technology Discover your Emotional Intelligence with the Emotions Test

Discover your Emotional Intelligence with the Emotions Test

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Develop your emotional skills and improve your personal and professional relationships!

Emotional intelligence plays a key role in our well-being and success in life. It involves the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions, as well as the ability to deal effectively with the emotions of others.

Knowing how to navigate the emotional world can have significant benefits in all areas of life, including relationships, work, health and personal satisfaction.


In this article, we will present theTest of Emotions”, a questionnaire designed to help you assess your level of emotional intelligence.

This interactive test will provide a unique learning opportunity, offering carefully selected questions and answers to enhance your understanding of emotions and your emotional skills. Let's start!

Emotions Test: Find out your level of Emotional Intelligence

  1. How do you feel when you receive a sincere compliment?

a) I am satisfied and valued.

b) I feel uncomfortable and have difficulty accepting the compliment.

c) I am indifferent, because the opinion of others does not affect me.

2. Imagine that you are in a stressful situation. What is your initial reaction?


a) I try to remain calm and look for solutions.

b) I feel overwhelmed and have difficulty dealing with pressure.

c) I get easily irritated and lose emotional control.

3. How do you react when someone expresses an opinion opposite to yours?

a) I try to understand the other person's point of view and maintain a respectful conversation.

b) I get defensive and try to persuade the person to agree with me.

c) I ignore the other person's opinion and follow my own vision.

4. When a friend is going through a difficult time, how do you usually react?


a) I offer my emotional support and try to help in any way.

b) I feel uncomfortable and don't know how to deal with my friend's emotions.

c) I ignore or minimize the situation, as I believe that people should solve their own problems.

5. How do you deal with rejection?

a) I accept that I cannot always please everyone and try to learn from experience.

b) I get hurt and take rejection personally.

c) I avoid situations that could result in rejection so I don't have to deal with that emotion.


Now that you've answered the questions, it's time to find out your level of emotional intelligence. Add up the points corresponding to each answer:

  1. a) +2 points, b) +1 point, c) +0 points.
  2. a) +2 points, b) +1 point, c) +0 points.
  3. a) +2 points, b) +1 point, c) +0 points.
  4. a) +2 points, b) +1 point, c) +0 points.
  5. a) +2 points, b) +1 point, c) +0 points.

Interpretation of results:

  • 0 to 5 points: Your level of emotional intelligence may be in development. Seek to learn more about emotions and how to manage them to improve your relationships and emotional well-being.
  • 6 to 9 points: You demonstrate a moderate level of emotional intelligence. Keep honing your emotional skills and looking for ways to apply them in different contexts.
  • 10 points or more: Congratulations! You have a high level of emotional intelligence. Your ability to recognize and manage emotions is a strength that will bring you significant benefits in all aspects of your life.


Investing in your emotional intelligence is an important step towards improving your social skills, managing stress and building healthy, fulfilling relationships. The Emotions Quiz offered a brief insight into how you deal with emotions, but it's just the beginning.

Keep seeking knowledge, practice empathy, and stay open to emotional growth. With effort and dedication, you can improve your emotional intelligence and reap the lifelong benefits.

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