Did you know that Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, recently revealed have more than 100 biological children spread across the world? This happened thanks to his decision to donate sperm to anonymous couples more than 15 years ago. Now, Durov plans to make his 'Public' DNA so that these children can get to know each other. In this article, you will understand the story behind this surprising choice and the impact it has on the lives of many families.
- Pavel Durov has donated sperm for 15 years.
- Durov has more than 100 biological children.
- These children are spread across 12 countries.
- He plans to make his DNA “public.”
- Durov wants to destigmatize sperm donation.
How to Help Couples Have Children: Pavel Durov's Journey
Have you ever thought about how you can make the difference into other people's lives in an unexpected way? Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, found a unique way to help couples around the world. Let's explore how he did it and the impact he had.
The Beginning of a Journey
15 years ago, Pavel Durov decided to begin a journey that would change the lives of many families. It all started when a close friend revealed that he and his wife were unable to have children due to fertility issues. This made Pavel look for more information on the subject.
The Discovery in the Clinic
While visiting a fertility clinic, Pavel discovered that there was a great demand by sperm donors. The head of the clinic explained that “high-quality donor material” was in short supply, and that Pavel could help many couples by donating his sperm anonymously.
The Decision to Donate
Motivated by the possibility of helping, Pavel decided to sign up as a donor. He began donating regularly, and over the years, his donations have helped more than 100 couples in 12 different countries. This decision profoundly impacted the lives of many families who dreamed of having children.
The Impact of Donations
Today, an IVF clinic in Russia still has Pavel's frozen sperm. This allows more families to realize their dream of having children. Actions like Pavel's are essential to help couples facing fertility difficulties.
Making DNA Public
Pavel Durov has ambitious plans for the future. He intends to make his “Open source” DNA so that your biological children can get to know each other. This initiative not only makes it easier for brothers to meet, but also destigmatizes sperm donation, encouraging more healthy men to do the same.
Destigmatizing Sperm Donation
Pavel believes it is important to destigmatize sperm donation. He wants more men to consider this option to help families struggling to have children. Sperm donation can be a meaningful way to make a difference in other people's lives.
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Additional Resources
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